Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why Vegan?

Vegan lifestyle has various benefits ranging from a longer lifespan, prevention of heart disease and cancer, sparing of animals from suffering on factory farms, and it is environmentally conscious as factory farming of animals is a leading cause of Greenhouse gas emissions.

UN has declared that a change in diet is needed to reduce green house emissions.

This study discusses the link between Cancer, heart disease, death rate and eating meat.

A study at Harvard indicates that drinking milk can lead to Prostate Cancer and Ovarian Cancer. It recommends other sources of Calcium such as soy milk, bok choy, and collards.

Last but not least, this is why I am Vegan:

Factory farmed animals rarely ever get to walk on the grass, feel the Sun on their face, have a family, or do anything that is natural to them. They live their life caged away in extreme pain, and I refuse to partake in that pain.

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